Thursday, December 18

Long Time no Post

Sorry to anyone still bothering to check my blog. It's been quite a while. Stephen and I both made it through yet another term of school (Stephen even got an "A" in his math class!) alive, at least for the most part. I spent so much time on campus doing homework and projects and school stuff that my poor feet were getting so swollen that I completely gave up keeping my shoes tied! Thankfully, after term ended and I was able to spend some time not at a desk, they have gone back to a nearly normal size. And as far as the baby... she still isn't here yet. Not for lack of contractions, though. I had a doctor's appointment yesterday morning and she said that things were moving forward; the baby is moving down and so hopefully it won't be too much longer. Stephen and I are out today trying to keep me up and on my feet and get gravity to help. Oh, and we finally decided to go ahead and get internet at the apartment, so soon it will be easier to post and we'll have something cute to post pictures of. I hope everyone is having a good holiday season!


Scott and Jillian said...

Yea! Congrats on making it through alive. Hopefully little Evelyn makes her appearance soon. Merry Christmas!

Unknown said...

Glad you guys are doing well, but sad she just wont come out yet. Hopefully she comes really soon so you get some time to recover before the winter term. and good news that your feet have gone back to normal, we really should have just gotten you an electronic wheel chair to go around campus ;)