Wednesday, March 18

First Trip to the Park

So my mommy and daddy took me to the park today and it was soooooooooo much fun!!! It was my first time ever and I can't wait to go back. Here are some pictures of my adventure.

Mommy, I feel so safe with you!

Daddy, are you sure about this?


Is it over?

Phew I made it.

And now for my first science lesson: Static Electricity.

What is this?

Oh I know it's so much fun.

I found my tongue.

Are you trying to get me daddy.

I think you are.

You're so silly.

You don't understand if you just saw what my daddy did you would be laughing too.

My First underdog. What a rush!

I taste like sugar and spice and everything nice... So what of it?

I think I can I think I can I think I can...

See I told you

Freestyle; it's not a way of life, it's an attitude!


Anonymous said...

Those are the cutest pictures ever! She is so adorable. You guys are such awesome parents.

Oh and PS: Watch out for Pumas at the park! I hear they like to catch falling man cubs!

Scott and Jillian said...

How fun! So awesome that you were able to have some fun at the park! She's definitely a cutie!!