Monday, August 31

Back to School Clothes

So you may say that Evelyn is only 8 1/2 months old and doesn't go to school so she doesn't need new school clothes. And I'll say, "She has gone to school since she was 2 weeks old. And it was college at that!" So I had to get my smart little girl some new school clothes. The ones from last year are so last year... not to mention WAY too small. I got most of them at Target for like $4 a piece, a reasonable price I thought. The other two outfits came from Costco (where I also bought some Christmas ribbon, even though it's still August). I think she'll be pretty cute when she goes back to school. All we still need is a Halloween costume.


Unknown said...

Sooo cute! Target has the best deals. I got Oakley a couple shirts and leggings there too. I love that green and brown carters outfit, the colors are just so not babyish and I love that!

Scott and Jillian said...

She will be the hippest kid in the class! I love to see the pictures. She is growing like crazy! So cute. We will have to meet her some day!