Thursday, August 14

Wiggly Baby

Last night Stephen and I were on the couch watching the Olympics when the baby started moving and kicking a lot. It even felt a lot stronger than ever. I decided to pull my shirt up to I could see my belly (I don't know what I was expecting to see) and when she kicked, you could see my belly jiggle just a little bit. I can't say I really like seeing my belly jiggle like jello, but I did like seeing my baby move. Stephen had been able to feel her move a couple of times, but I think she's just about strong enough that he will be able to feel a lot more. Oh, and she's as long as a banana this week!


Unknown said...

yay Bananas!

How are you doing with work? A little over a month and we will be back in Corvallis... not sure if that is a good or bad thing yet, but at least we will be able to have a baby shower for you!

Scott and Jillian said...

that is so fun when you can start to feel the baby move! It's comforting, too, because you know that she must be okay if she is moving around. ;)