Sunday, July 17

Family Pictures!

Yesterday we took the girls in to take some family pictures. We went to the Sears Portrait Studio in Albany. They were so good to us! We had a 1 pm appointment and by 1:40 we still hadn't managed to get Leah to stop crying long enough to get a decent picture of her. The let us come back and fill an empty 3 pm slot. We ended up getting some really great shots! Here, look and see!


Jillian said...

Yay! Love the new pics! It seems like they've grown so much and I just saw them a couple weeks ago! Oh, and tell Stephen he's starting to inch dangerously close to a Scott hair-do. ;)

Brady and Brittney said...

Wow! Those came out really nice! I can't believe how good Evelyn was. Very cute.

Jaime Robertson said...

Awwww!Love them! They all turned out great! Congrats on getting good pictures, I KNOW what a HUGE accomplishment this can be!