Friday, July 25

Summer Time

So here we are half way through the summer. And where is all the summer weather? Stephen is working at a pharmacy in Astoria. It's a great opportunity for him to gain experience in a pharmacy, and should help him get into pharmacy school (which will be a very good thing). I'm working at the Georgia Pacific mill in Wauna, Oregon. Don't worry, I'd never heard of it either! Here we make toilet paper, paper towels, and facial tissue, and a lot of it. It's a very dusty and dirty place, but hey, it pays. The person who hired me gave Stephen and I a house to live in for the summer. My commute is like four minutes and we don't have to pay rent. Two biggest draw backs: it is in the middle of nowhere, I only see the house and the mill 4-5 days a week and we don't get garbage service, we have to take it to the mill. I don't think I'll ever take the dumpster in the apartment parking lot for granted again!

We had lots of family over for the Fourth of July. We had a barbecue on the deck (yes, I have a deck, isn't that great!) and drove to Astoria to see the fireworks. I had a lot of fun, but I was glad to see everyone go afterwards. It may be a house, but there is only one bathroom and there were eleven people sleeping there! We told my aunt about the baby, and I can't say she was pleased, but I think she'll get better.

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